Intelligent and Integrated Parking Industry Investment and Asset Services platform
With a long-term vision of the Chinese Parking Industry WE PARK maximizes the value of assets through modernization of car park management.
Industrial Investment

Based on the trust of the top international investors with a long-term parking sector investment philosophy, WE PARK will enhance the value of assets and to achieve win-win with our partners through acquisitions of property titles, operating rights acquisition, and / or mid to long term.

Brand Operation

The parking garage is the first stop for customers to visit their destinations. WE PARK will enhance the customer experience and building quality by introducing international advanced equipment and service concepts. We aim for each of our parking facilities to be the “second lobby” for each location and proactively raise the standards of our operations.

Intelligent Management

Capital investment in advanced technology, equipment and management team at each of our car parks for connectivity of our data, operations, customer service, and revenue management at our Intelligent Operation Center Headquarters in Shanghai. Such interconnectivity allows cost optimization and improved management of our operations and revenue management at each location. WE PARK constantly optimizes the process and improves the efficiency of parking. But also provides customers with innovative services and products.
